Hi Rod,
We raced the other week from St George (630klms) in what was a very tough race with less than 50% of flyers in the federation actually clocking on the day.
We have again trapped the supper little hen NCF 18 9903 to run 1 st club, 2 nd Lake Macquarie Combine 5 th NCF federation with a velocity just over 1218 m min.(8 hr 30 mins on the wing).
9903 is out of our champion hen LM 15 making 9903 a granddaughter of Top Shelf (Heremans x Alwin Petrie).
It was also the Lake Combines 2 nd Breeders plate race and this hen has finished 2 nd in that feature race as well ( she also finished second in the 1 st Breeders plate race from 300 miles 2 weeks ago beaten only by a loft mate).
This little hen has been in the clock 3 times and been 1st once landing with her sister when we won the combine
She has basically now won 3 and run 2 nd outright once in Lake Combine races and taken 4 prizes in the top 5 in the federation including 2 seconds.
Add in the 2 breeders plates second places and the result where she won the combine and ran 2 nd in the fed in the 2 bird trap 2 race at 300 miles ( she was half our team ) and this hen has probably earned a spell and will now be stopped for a 2 yo.
Hard to tell if 9903 or 1816 ( 4 outright combine wins ,a fed winner and 3 top 3 places) will win bird of the year but both had great seasons and both grandchildren of Top Shelf
Cheers RC
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