Rennie Vella, Simon
Grech and the help of Rennie’s wife, produced a fantastic result from Morgan 602km.
Dropping 4 pigeons and great follow up; the first pigeon in the clock is a 2
year old Blue Bar pied hen
from the Winners1bred hen BLUE PORSCHE,
from our Alwin Petrie import Porsche
and G & S Verkerk hen BLUE OPRAH
; out of our imports Bonte Verkerk x Miss
A few weeks ago in the
WPF $30,000.00 Breeders Plate
race from Murray Bridge 553km, Rennie and Simon
also placed 2nd & 3
14-10414 a Blur Bar hen
is also bred from
the Winners1 Alwin Petrie pigeon
This cocks father is from Robin Hood out
of imports ROBIN x LIGHT SPEED. The mother is WIN CITY from imports
Alwin x Sun
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